All That Jazz & More

We had a full house for our 32nd Annual fundraiser. It was a huge success!!!! Who doesn’t love good food, good music, and enjoyable company. Our 32nd annual fundraiser did not disappoint. We did not have a empty seat in the building, and it’s all thanks to supporters like you. We are so grateful for everyone who attended and for those who could not attend but sent someone in their place.

This fundraiser was an opportunity for us to show appreciation to our honorees for their commitment to AIM. We are a small staff, so we survive with the support of volunteers and supporters in the community.

This fundraiser was also an opportunity to recognize our faithful board member Rev. Curtis Knott for his dedication to not only AIM, but all justice-involved individuals. Commissioner Sankey presented him with a proclamation in recognition of Rev. Knott’s generous contributions to AIM and the prison community. The proclamation was a complete surprise for a well-deserving individual.

Assistant Director Larnetta Moncrief and Director Carol Potok these two ladies have worked for AIM over 20 years! Job well done ladies!

Our 2019 Nancy Chambless Equity Partners:

Zack Buckner
Rep Pebblin Warren
Mary Coleman
Sarah Lee

2019 Proclamation Percipient

Rev Curtis Knott

Pictured: AIM Assistant Director Larnetta Moncrief, Our 2019 Nancy J. Chambless Equity Partners, AIM Director Carol Potok and Rev. Curtis Knott

Rev. Curtis Knott talks to the group after receiving his proclamation from Commissioner Sankey.


Our September visit was small this year, but the fun and excitement filled the room. Families enjoyed chili dogs, bingo, prizes and good ole laughter and fun. We will have a spook-tacular October visit!


Welcome our newest full-time AIM employee Lexie Ofe. Lexie joined our office in September as our new Job Readiness Coordinator (JRC). Lexie works with our ladies to secure and maintain employment.

Positive Living 22

AIM was well-represented this month at the 22nd annual Positive Living Conference in Fort Walton Beach, FL. The conference is built around individuals who suffer from the stigmas of HIV. Many workshops were held on topics that touch the lives of those living with HIV. The conference provided opportunities to learn and discuss issues surrounding living with HIV and working with those who suffer. There was so much love, support and care at the conference. Many people–advocates, survivors, and allies–gathered for prevention efforts, care and service provision, and educational opportunities.
Thanks to a grant from Viiv Healthcare, AIM is able to provided wrap-around services to incarcerated women who have HIV or AIDs. AIM staffer Paulette represented AIM well and brought back some powerful information to share with the ladies with whom we work. We are looking forward to the 23rd annual conference next year.

Month of Birthdays

September 3rd

Danielle Cook

Intern/JRC Assistant

September 9rd

Trae Collins

Honorary AIM Assistant

September 13th

Paulette Nicholas

Case Manager

September 18th

Larnetta Moncrief

Assistant Director

September 25th

Lexie Ofe

Job Readiness Coordinator

Cuteness Overload!

Who can resist this smile?

Upcoming Events:

October 9th:

Book Club Montgomery Women’s Facility, Book: The One-in-a-Million Boy by Monica Wood

October 12th:

Visitation at Tutwiler and Montgomery Women’s Facility.

October 31th:

Happy Halloween!